The Burning Sage - Summer 2024

The Burning Sage - Summer 2024

2024-07-14 - 2024-07-21

Hökås Summer Burn is coming up. In the spirit of the Wild Sacred Fire, we burn with inspiration from shamanism, tantra, in a flow of authentic relating.

Lodging: Tents, Van...
Membership fee: SEK 1777 (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks included, down to SEK 1234 is allowed for early birds and low income)
Apply: Apply to The Burning Sage fb-group! or send an e-mail to
Age limit: 18+

👆 Planning and dreams is/will be in the group! ☝

Popular activities from previous burns:

🤗 Cosy hangout with cooking and eating together, cuddle puddles, bonfire
💃 Dancing, conscious playful movement
🧘 Meditative mornings, guided sessions with qi gong, yoga
🏊 Sauna, and baths in the pond
☕ Cacao ceremony
🙏 Authentic relating / circling / relatefulness - presensing together
🤩 Energy practice workshops - Osho tantric flow, breathwork eye gazing, classic tantra samskara digesting, energy body practices
😘 Intimate embodiment and relatefulness practices
🔥 Sweat lodge
❓ ...what do you want to add?

🔥 The gathering will be held in a burner style. We are all doing this together; this is not a resort where you pay a lot and then get your bed made, food served, and workshops preplanned.
The 10+1 principles of burning events:

The principles of Self Reliance and Self Expression takes many forms.

• We open up for deep healing of trauma and emotions.
• People may be naked.
• People may be crying, screaming.
• People may be intimate.
• It's ok. It's all ok.

To hold and be held.
To share and to listen.
To rest and to relate.
In authentic peace, love, and presence.

Welcome! Keep the flame alive 🔥 ☄️ 💖 🌈 🌞

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